Why choose Rivertech Heating & Air Chattanooga?
We are experts that advise and consult with you for the best units or services for you situation. With our knowledge and skills we can service, repair or replace your unit. If you don’t need a new unit, we tell you you don’t need a new unit!
Good service doesn’t cost… it pays! It all adds up to an important investment by us to give you the assurance of prompt, efficient service and provide you with the best performance possible. We want you to have the facts and be prepared when the need arises for any heating and air conditioning work. When you require service or are thinking about replacing your system this information will be very helpful. We’ve compiled a quick reference guide for a better understanding of our industry for your convenience.
The Contractor
Require that they are licensed & insured. You are entitled to see a copy of their license and insurance. Require a building permit be posted prior to commencement of work on replacements. Require everything in writing so there is no misunderstandings. Be cautious of any request for large down payments. You may wish to shop around For price comparison.
This is probably the most neglected part of the system. They should be checked or changed regularly depending on your living conditions. If you have pets or children, your filters will require more attention. You should check or change your filters everytime you pay your electric bill. The filters when properly maintained, will extend the life of your system and save you money on your electric bill.
SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
The SEER rating has nothing to do with the required cooling capacity needed to cool or heat a designated space or area, has everything to do with the cost to operate the Heating & air system. For example: The more miles per gallon (MPG) you get from your automobile the cheaper it is to operate. Therefore, the higher the SEER rating on your heating& air system the cheaper it is to operate. It’s is always best to get the higher SEER systems as they pay for themselves in the long run.
Preventative maintenance
Maintenance agreements are a must for any home owner. They can pay for themselves by improving efficiency, reducing operating cost, minimizing costly breakdowns and extending the life of your system. More importantly, preventative maintenance may help in keeping your drain from getting clogged, and in most instances, may prevents water leaks.
Ashley and Rico Loprinzo, owners of Rivertech Air, have been in the heating and air business for over 15 years! We are a customer focused heating and air-conditioning company, with highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in the Chattanooga area.
We are experts that advise and consult with you for the best units or services for you situation. With our knowledge and skills we can service, repair or replace your unit. If you don’t need a new unit, we tell you you don’t need a new unit!
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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm